Jessica’s introduction

Dear all,

My name is Jessica Oudenampsen and this year I’m in the student council on behalf of asap.
I’m in the fifth year of the study Medicine, and thus I’m in the middle of my internships. Last years I was participating in the co-determination at the Medical Faculty, both as a member of the education committee as well as student assessor. Now I found it was time for me to discover ‘the rest’ of Radboud University.

This year in the student council, I would like to dedicate myself, in addition to the general tasks and subjects, to greater visibility of the co-determination, good study workplaces and the possibilities for interdisciplinary education. In addition, I think it is important that the Faculty of Medicine is less of an island. I hope I will be able to bring Radboud University and Radboudumc slightly  more together in the coming year. We can learn a lot from each other.

Do you have ideas for co-determination? Do you have issues that we as student council really need to address? I love coffee and beer so I really invite you to talk about it!
I wish you a nice academic year and hopefully; see you soon!